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Nam Wah Precision Product Limited

南華精機創立於1983年,總部設於香港,並於美國設有辦事處,各生產廠房則集中於深圳龍崗。經過多年努力,南華已成為行內領先、專門提供優質產品製造及組裝服務的供應商。南華的產品供應給不同行業,包括汽車製造業、辦公室文儀設備行業、以致電訊及醫療設備行業。市場亦從亞洲地區,擴展至北美洲及歐洲等地。憑藉不斷擴闊客戶基礎, 我們深信南華正迎向更精彩的未來。


地址: 香港新界屯門震寰路 9 號好收成工業大廈 15 樓 1501-1505 室

電話: (852) 2455 3366

傳真: (852) 2467 6062


Founded in 1983. Nam Wah’s headquarters is in Hong Kong with office in the USA. Its manufacturing plants are located in Shenzhen Longgang. Nam Wah has worked hard over the years to transform itself into a respected organization dedicated to providing first-class manufacturing and product assembly services.

Nam Wah supplies products to various industries, from the automotive sector to office automation equipment, and telecommunications to medical equipment. Its ever-growing market has expanded from Asia to North America and Europe. With the customer base continuing to grow, we believe there will be exciting times ahead.




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